Did You Know You Were Born With Intuitive Abilities To Heal Yourself?
Registering Now To Find Out How!
I can show you how to Awaken the healer within
From 20+ years of actually tuning into peoples bodies I have discovered what it really takes to heal your body and to awaken your spirit. My teaching is for those who are ready to go deep and experience changes that last without skipping steps.
Healing Masterclass
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I healed myself from debilitating back pain, psoriasis, anxiety and digestive issues
and awakened my ability to tune into my own and other people.
In this Free Intuitive Healing Masterclass you will learn:
Discover what you can learn from the front and back and the right and the left sides of your body.Discover the wisdom of the masculine and the feminine aspects of you and how they impact every part of your body.Understand what the subtle bodies are. Which one holds all your pain. Which one holds your life force and energy and why its vital to work with them in healing.Discover why emotional healing can be confusing and dangerous without proper understanding of our subtle bodies and how doing it the wrong way can damage some of the most important systems of your body, leaving you with more health challenges than when you started.And take you through a powerful guided healing process.
As Featured On:
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Inna Segal
Inna Segal is the creator of, ‘Awaken The Healer Within’, healing programs and the best-selling award-winning author of The Secret Language of Your Body: The Essential Guide to Health Wellness and The Secret Language of Colour Cards as well as The Secret of Life Wellness: The Essential Guide to Life’s Big Questions book.
Her new book Understanding Modern Spirituality will be out in 2023, as will her new healing card decks.
Inna is an internationally recognised healer, professional speaker, author, and television host. Inna’s clients include doctors, CEOs, healthcare professionals, actors, and sports personalities.
Inna is a gifted healer and a pioneer in the field of energy medicine and human consciousness.
She can “see” illness and blocks in a person’s body by intuitive means; explain what is occurring, and guide people through self-healing processes.
When Inna was a teenager she suffered from severe back pain, which continued to deteriorate, despite visits to doctors, chiropractors, and other healthcare professionals.
By her early twenties, Inna’s pain was so intense that for weeks she was barely able to walk. In an incredible twist of fate, Inna, while meditating, discovered an unusual way of communicating with her body.
By tuning into her back and releasing all the pain and negative emotions, she was able to heal herself.
Now she helps others to transform their health and their lives, in her live and online seminars and through her books, card decks and journals.
In the last 20 years I have helped people to heal :
Shrunk TumorsRegrown CartilageHeal AnaemiaAnxietyImproved RelationshipsProfound Spiritual Growth20+ Year Migraines DisappearedChronic Pain & Physical Issues Improved Or ReleasedWeight LossDepressionChronic FatigueFinancial Prosperity
What People Are Saying About The Workshop
There are over 3200+ people all over the world who have taken this course, tried and tested and were amazed.
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see all stories ..
In This Immersion You Will Receive Profound Insights
How Your Soul, Spirit, Body And Ancestry Are Intertwined In Relation To Your Health And Life Purpose.
Secret #1
Discover what you can learn from the front and back and the right and the left sides of your body.
Secret #2
Discover the wisdom of the masculine and the feminine aspects of you and how they impact every part of your body.
Secret #3
Understand what the subtle bodies are. Which one holds all your pain. Which one holds your life force and energy and why its vital to work with them in healing.
Secret #4
Discover why emotional healing can be confusing and dangerous without proper understanding of our subtle bodies and how doing it the wrong way can damage some of the most important systems of your body, leaving you with more health challenges than when you started.
Find out why all of us have an innate ability to heal and access our intuition. We just need to be guided in the right way to uncover it.
This Masterclass Is Made For You, Especially If You Want To…
Find out why generalised emotional healing could be hurting you and keeping you stuck.Find out why generalised emotional healing could be hurting you and keeping you stuck.Understand the best, most effective way to work with your emotions.Find out why it is important to release ancestral trauma in order to heal.Learn the true power of working with archetypes is to most effectively transform your emotions, release past trauma and to heal your life.Discover which archetypes govern which chakras.Learn how by transforming your inner victim to a victorious winner, you can improve your digestive system, intuition, decision making and how others treat you.Participating in a powerful healing process and gain valuable knowledge and insights to help you transform your life.Discover profound insights from Inna’s brand new book Understanding Modern Spirituality.
Befriend Your Body, Awaken Your Soul And Heal Yourself!
Here Are A Few Other FAQs We Get A Lot
When does the workshop start?
The Masterclass will start on August 3, 2023.
In which language will the Masterclass be in?
The Masterclass will be in English.
How do I access the Masterclass?
Register for free using the page and use the link in the email for the event.
Can I watch the Masterclass at a later time if I miss the events?
Yes, we will be sending out a replay link to everyone who has registered. The link will be sent out via email after the event.
Can I ask questions during the webinar?
Yes, Inna will be taking questions at the end of both events. Everyone is encouraged to put their questions in the chat.
How can I contact the organisers if I have further questions?
If you have any questions feel free to contact us at
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